
So, if you are reading this page, it is because you just finished reading Jah Rastafari Prosperity Bible. I had no intention of writing that book by the way, it was all impressed upon me bit by bit by the Most High.

During the very first lock down season of 2020, I began asking my self a very important Question…

What does the word of God say about Prosperity?

Then it dawned on me…isn’t there something called “The Prosperity Gospel?” I Googled, and researched for about 2 weeks, and all I could find was negative opinions from people who didn’t believe in The Most High in the first place. Been Ng born Tafari I know that Jah is real and his words are real, this fact is undisputable in my mind, in in my spirit I said “but the Prosperity Gospel must be real too!” So there was only one thing left to do, I had to research it for my self.

By March 15  I had began my first experiments, by April 15, I began including the scriptures into those experiments, by May 15th I decided to go one step further, and do things many people online spoke against, and by July 1st I was sitting in a one bedroom Hotel Suite, with double my income and no job. All my food was provided to me. I had free room service every day. I played music and took my morning bath after I would wake up at 12:00pm.

I knew, I just knew in my soul, Jah had given me a gift, because I followed his words to the T on Prosperity. The Prosperity Gospel is real, Jah is real, and he has a very simple formula for “his people” meaning those who have faith in him, to follow to achieve financial bliss.

I want to share with you the very first bible story that changed the way I see myself, in relation to my Prosperity, and how you can start implementing these thought processes into your daily life to achieve financial success as well.