Jah Rastafari Bible

Rasta Bible in Jah Rastafari

Love and Unity to each and everyone. The Father was using I for his wise purpose. I’m still teaching and preaching to those who know within them 2 things…

  • One truth of The Most High must exist 
  • There must be one/a people who holds this knowledge and wisdom.

Rasta Bible information

  • Rasta Bible is “The Ible”
  • Rastafari has no official Bible
  • Rastafari are Israelites! 
  • King Selassie I is our Bible
  • King James Version Bible is for Rasta

“The Ible” is Rasta Bible

There is a book (in Rastafari) that exists, it is called The Ible. The reason it is called “The Ible,” is because we don’t believe in “bi” anything. We believe the Bible is personal, and so we don’t say “my” Bible because  to say “I” also includes,  to Rastafari People’s,” the soul.” So Rasta call our Bible, “Ible.”


Rastafari has no official Bible 

There are Religions that have a Bible associated. Rastafari have no Bible. No Bible that is just for Rastafari. There is a very specific reason for this.

Imagine that God created a people that know him. They know what he likes, doesn’t like, etc. Do you think that those people would actually need a written Bible? No. Jah writes all they need to know on their hearts. 


Jah Rastafari as Man 

Rastafari are born that way. Some of us know that we are Rasta from we are toddlers, sone when we reach adolescence, some in adulthood. The spirituality happens, as an “unfolding.” The more you love Jah, the more of himself, he reveals to you, the more he reveals to you, the more you learn about your role and duties as a Rasta. Therefore, no Bible is needed. The one who calls, also educates.


Rastafari are Israelites 

Some people call themselves Israelites, then speak of Rastafari as if Rasta are the copy cat. Rasta people are Israelite! Rasta people are Israelite! It’s interesting to me I tech someone Rastafari, then it’s as if they say without words, thats not Israelite. They have been misinformed. If you want to learn the ways of an Israelite, learn the ways of Rastafari. We are born with the awareness of Jah Rastafari Rules & laws.


King Selassie I is our Bible 

It really doesn’t matter that King Selassie I was a Christian. We define him, not him define us. We are his exclamation point. We don’t know each other but world wide, we call him “Jah,” and have never met. Only Jah The Most High can do that. Now if you are here assuming that “I learned about Rastafari through my boyfriend,” no I had my own spiritual unfolding. So, I say “King Selassie I,” and those words have way, deeper meaning, than what most humans will ever know.


King James Version Bible is our Bible 

I always tell people the way Rasta read the Bible is not “for study.” It is for meditation. The meditation will happen within you, once you read it, and allow the meditation to happen within. No expectations, just for the love of the Most high.

I have written a Rasta Bible for those who want to experience reading the Bible the same way Jah Rastafari do. It has the scriptures I read daily, and some deep information about Jah Rastafari. It is meant for you to read it everyday to cleanse the heart and mind of Babylon impuritites.