What is Jah Rastafari?

What is Rastafari?

Jah Rastafari Prayers Book

Rastafari is a daily celebration of African Roots and Culture. The purpose of Rastafari is to guide one to live clean and pure that a person may be deemed “fit” (by Jah) to Enter Holy Mount Zion. 

What is a Rasta?

A Rasta is someone who adheres to the Rastafari Livity (way of life). Rasta are “called” to carry “the light” of Jah Rastafari, and to deliver “the message” of this way of life to others. By this we can see that to embrace the Rastafari way of life is a responsibility and commitment of the heart.

Beliefs of Rasta about God

Rasta knows that “God” is “Jah.”. and that Jah is an “African” Spirit entity. That he is very loving, forgiving and very powerful. Rasta “know”that  Jah created heaven and earth, the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, and he parted the Red Sea for the Israelites. “Jah” is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob spoken about in the scriptures of the Christian Bible. Jah “Raised up” King Selassie I as his Elect, to protect, and defend the Garden of Eden. Jah is the Creator of all living things.

What is The Rastafari Livity?

The Rastafari Livity is a Celebration of African Roots and Culture that honors Jah. Rasta live life daily in all things they do to honor and show love for Jah, Jah Elect, and Jah Creations. From the food that is cooked (Ital) clean and natural, to the way Rasta wear their hair (in dreadlocks) fuss and vanity free, to the  in Rasta clothing and Jewelry (Red Yellow and Green). The Rastafari Livity is a commitment of love and honour to and for Jah, the Almighty Creator of all living things all the days of a Rastafaris’ life. 

4 Spiritual Duties of Rasta

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Show Love

Spiritual Duty of Rasta #1 

To show love 

As Rasta it is our Job to show love. Rasta does not reject love in any form. If someone asks us to do them a favor, we do it…to show even more love. If someone wants to give a Rasta a hug we do not refuse it. Some more ways Rasta show love is by being there for our friends and family members, and spending time in and surrounded by nature, to show Jah, the creator we love and appreciate the land he has given us. As Rasta showing love is one of the ways how we honour Jah. 

Spiritual Duty of Rasta #2 

To Live Free

To live Free as Rasta is a very important part of the Livity. Rasta knows life should have no restrictions. As long as one is not “hurting life” or “killing life” one should 

Live as one chooses. “Freedom” in life is the basis for being one with Jah. Freedom to love and honour Jah, Freedom to Roam, freedom to spend our spiritual time as we choose… Just how Jah, the creator, intended!

Spiritual Duty of Rasta #3

To be a “Servant” of Jah

To fulfill the duty of Rasta as Jah servant is very simple. It means helping and loving other people. As Rasta we see ourselves as “extensions” of Jah helping hand here on earth. Rasta allows Jah to “use us” as his instruments, to provide help and hope, and assistance whenever the opportunity presents itself. Rasta always say “yes” to opening the door for others, to carrying a grocery bag, to lending money to those who ask. It is the duty of Rasta to Serve Jah by serving his creations (other people)

Spiritual Duty of Rasta #4

To Enter Holy Mount Zion

The Purpose of the Rastafari Livity is to provide a guide for those who desire to enter Zion (heaven). Zion is where Jah, the Most High roams. There is only love, peace, light, freedom, wholeness, and Jah “light” in Zion. Only those with clean loving, Hearts can enter Zion. It is our Duty as Rasta, to follow Rastafari way of life, as our Guide.. so that our soul may have peace and rest in Holy Mount Zion.

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